
A destination for the whole family

Die Ignaz-Mattis-Hütte am Giglachseezoom

1,986 m, Giglachtal

Fam. Keinprecht
Tel.: +43 664 42 33 823

Ignaz-Mattis-Hütte at the Giglach lakes impresses through its unique location within the Giglach cirque, where the hut is situated on a hill next to the Big Giglach lake.

Ignaz-Mattis-Hütte is an alpine hut of the Austrian Alpine Association (OEAV) and offers 12 beds and 45 communal beds for overnight stays. Enjoy the view from the terrace and savour the regional delicacies from the huts kitchen.

The hut is accessible via various routes:

Another hike rich in experience is the alpine trail from Hochwurzen, from where you reach Ignaz-Mattis-Hütte in about 6 hours.


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