Alpine trail through Höllschlucht canyon

One of the highlights of the theme trail in Untertal

Der untere "Kleine" Riesachwasserfallzoom

Trail head:

Seeleiten parking, Untertal

Walking time:

about 2 hours for the tour

The alpine trail through Höllschlucht canyon is definitely one of the highlights of the Wild Waters experience.

Along the Riesachbach creek the trail passes by the Lower and Upper Riesach waterfall. At the lower fall a viewing plattform brings you almost into the water of the waterfall and you can feel the spray on your skin and in your face.

Next, the trail passes by the Upper Riesach waterfall, the largest waterfall in Styria. The roaring of the waterfalls is a constant companion on the way. At the bridge that crosses the creek right above the upper waterfall, the alpine trail through Höllschlucht canyon begins.

In the beginning a 50 m steel rope bridge spans the canyon to reach the other side. Thereafter the trail carries on over metal bridges and ladders towards lake Riesachsee. Thereby the washout in the rocks give an impression about the dynamics and power of water. A couple of metal runways across the canyon provide for additional insights.


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