The short miners trail to Obertal

A walking trail from Rohrmoos into the Obertal valley

Am Weg auf der Kleinen Knappenrundezoom

Trail head:

Hiking portal in the village center of Rohrmoos or hiking portal in the village of Untertal

Walking time:

2-2.5 hours

The short miners trail is a walk towards Obertal valley in Rohrmoos.

From the hiking portal in the village center of Rohrmoos - opposite of Erlebniswelt - the trail takes course towards Hochwurzen until you turn off left at the trail crossing towards "Schuhßbühel". From there you walk towards Obertal via Rohrmooser Frei.

Leaving 2 short forest sections behind you reach Hocheggerhof at Ahornweg road, which you keep walking past the farm "Royer". About 500 m after the farm you turn off right onto the logging road. You follow the logging road to its 6th hairpin bend where the trail branches off to the right. You hike past the farm "Schlapfer" until you reach the "Schwammerlstadt" (mushroom city) of the mushroom path. Via a logging road you descend to the meadows of "Rohrmooser Frei". From there the trail leads back to "Schußbühel" and to the trail head in the village center of Rohrmoos.

Short miners trail with trail head in the village of Untertal

The short miners trail has an alternative trail head in the village center of Untertal. From the hiking portal you pass the school and the building yard in Untertal until you reach "Ahornweg" road. Walk along the road until "Hocheggerhof" - from there follow the description from above.

On the way back, you turn off right towards "Johannahöhe" shortly before you reach "Schwammerlstadt" (mushroom city of the mushroom path). You then follow the trail passing the "Pocher" and "Holzbacher" farms until you reach "Andenbacher" farm at the Ahornweg road. From there follow the your way back to the trail head of the hike.


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