Kotalm - Berallerhütte

Stop at the homey hut for regional delicacies

Die Berallerhütte auf der Kotalmzoom

Kotalm, Riesach, Untertal

Fam. Fuchs
Tel.: +43 664 50 59 974

Berallerhütte is a hut at the Kotalm alp in the Riesach valley of Rohrmoos. It is located on the way to Preintalerhütte and invites hikers for a rest.

The hut offers typical regional specialities like butter and the "Steirerkas" cheese (also for takeaway), as well as fresh milk and buttermilk - all of which are produced directly at the hut.

Berallerhütte is stage point at the following hikes of the Wild Waters experience:


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