Alpine trail "Höllschlucht"

Der Kleine Riesachwasserfallzoom
Der große Riesachwasserfall im Untertalzoom
Die Seilhängebrücke am Alpinsteig Wilde Wasserzoom

Important notice:

Alpine Trail Höll is NOT suitable for small children or dogs!

The alpine trail through "Höllschlucht" (hell's canyon) takes course alongside the highest waterfall of Styria - the Riesach waterfall. The water masses falling down are an impressive natural spectacle, which are made accessible in various ways.

The roaring waterfalls alongside the trail are a constant companion. Careful consideration about an alpine trail beyond the upper Riesach watterfall first began in 1995. A year later, Herbert Schütter and Sepp Schweiger were the first ones to explore the terrain and to making drafts.

The alpine trail in numbers

To better grasp the alpine trail, a few numbers to describe the project:

  • Trail length: 1,065 m, Seeleiten parking - Gfölleralm
  • Difference in altitude: approx. 155 m with 500 steps
  • Construction: 900 hours by building firm Bliem and 1,300 hours by Maschinenring
  • Construction: 20 hours of material handling by helicopter
  • 1 steel rope suspension bridge with 50 m length
  • 1 steel bridge with 14 m length
  • 6 bridges with lengths between 4.5 and 7 m
  • 2 runways with 5.5 m length
  • 15 staircases with a total length of 94 m

Moreover the following was used for construction: 500 armouring steel heads, 95 round bars, 360 m of steel sheets, 150 m larch piles, 150 m steel mesh, 300 m steel rope guarding rail, 80 m³ gravel and 75 single gridiron stairs.


The alpine trail through Höllschlucht is part of several hikes. The links below take you to the descriptions of the different hikes.


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